Archives de médecine

  • ISSN: 1989-5216
  • Indice h du journal: 22
  • Note de citation du journal: 4.96
  • Facteur d’impact du journal: 4.44
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  • Genamics JournalSeek
  • Infrastructure nationale des connaissances en Chine (CNKI)
  • Répertoire d'indexation des revues de recherche (DRJI)
  • OCLC - WorldCat
  • Invocation de Proquête
  • Publions
  • Fondation genevoise pour la formation et la recherche médicales
  • Pub européen
  • Google Scholar
  • Laboratoires secrets des moteurs de recherche
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Correlation between New Daily COVID-19 Cases, New Daily Deaths and Google Trends for Masks in Algeria

Benabdellah Anwar, Brahimi Houria, Bensaad Mohamed, Labdouni Mohamed El-Habib, Labdelli Nada, Benabdelkader Maghnia, Benabdellah Yasmine1 Sour Nassima, Badla Yamina, Bestaoui Leila and Benmansour Zakaria

The absence of effective drugs and vaccines against COVID-19 lead Algerian population to give more importance to hand hygiene and masks for reducing the transmission of COVID-19. These interventions were recommended by Algerian health authorities for fighting COVID-19 outbreak. Algerian population used internet as a source of knowledge. We used google trends relative searches volumes (RSV) of terms like “ masques de protection” translated by masks from March 1st to March 31, 2020. We search the correlation between the daily new COVID-19 cases, daily new death and the google RSV trends concerning “masques” from March 1st to march 31, 2020.

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